
Member Exclusive



Anti-Fraud Announcement

If you have any questions or suspect fraud, please contact Kindness Hotel for verification, or call the “165” anti-fraud hotline directly.

The number of fraud cases continues to increase recently, to help you prevent from these new types of cyber fraud, we’d like to remind you:
The Kindness Hotel will never ask our customers to redo or repeat any sort of payment methods under the guise of “a problem with the customer’s credit card” or “a problem with the reservation.” If you receive such calls, please be aware and do not follow the instructions.
Three Anti-Fraud Principles to follow:
Do not answer or return any suspicious calls
Do not follow any ATM or Internet Banking instruction
Do not provide any bank account or credit card information

If you ever receive a suspicious call, please do not hesitate to contact the Kindness Hotel for confirmation or call the “165” anti-fraud hotline of the Criminal Investigation Bureau.  
National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior website: